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PIRA 2021 Summer Conference

  • 12 Aug 2021
  • 6:00 PM
  • 16 Aug 2021
  • 12:00 PM
  • University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA


  • Base registration cost.
  • Off-site access to PIRA 2021.

Registration is closed

PIRA 2021: Iowa City

Join us from Thursday, August 12 evening through Sunday, August 15 for PIRA 2021!  We'll have our Annual Business Meeting, run the AAPT SM 2021 Lecture Demo Workshop, a number of PIRA summer conference sesions, and more.  This will be one of the few times PIRA has arranged an independent meeting.  We expect to have PIRA colleagues both onsite at the University of Iowa, and online doing workshops, make-n-takes, demos, posters, talks, etc.  Are you considering going in person or joining online?

Base registration is $10 whether online or in person.  For the business meeting you may need to renew your dues for $10.  The AAPT Lecture Demonstration Workshop W14A can be registered for directly through the AAPT website with Summer Meeting 2021 separately.  (For those PIRA members not participating or presenting in the LDW as AAPT registrants, you can follow via a static Zoom or TikTok stream we'll provide -- but we won't be interacting with you since to be a participant you should register with AAPT.)  Other optional activities online such as the make'n'takes are being arranged to be sent in advance to online participants who register before July 26.

Additional details:

Activities will take place aVan Allen Hall, located at the corner of North Dubuque St. and East Jefferson St.  University of Iowa Campus Map -

Airport - The Eastern Iowa Airport (CID) in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, -

Car Rentals from 7 companies are available at CID.  However, just let us know when you are scheduled to arrive and the "Dale & Dave" limo service will come pick you up and also deliver you when you are scheduled to depart.  (This works if you arrive ahead of the BBQ on Thursday, and leave on Sunday or Monday.)

Conference Hotel - The Graduate Hotel -  BUT:  Let DALE know if you want a reservation there -- it will be made through the physics department in order to guarantee the lower University rate (~$99/night).  You will pay directly to the hotel at check-in.  This is located 3 blocks south of Van Allen Hall and on the downtown walking mall. The hotel also has its own parking structure with parking available to guests.  There are also numerous other parking structures available within a 3 block radius of the hotel.

Wifi access - Wifi is available in Van Allen Hall via eduroam if your university is a member of eduroam.  Guest access is also available so if you need that let Dale know and he will get you set up with that.

Brew Pubs etc. There are several Brew Pubs in town and in Coralville (which is kind of like the west side suburb of Iowa City.) Just google Iowa City, IA Brew Pubs for more on that. However, John's Grocery, located less that 2 blocks north of Van Allen hall has more selection with every kind of craft brew you would ever want.

Everything -- hotel, Van Allen Hall, restaurants, grocery stores, shops -- is within walking distance and so you shouldn't have to worry about driving.  If you do need to get somewhere farther away, we will make sure you get there........

Tentative Schedule:  *Indicates joint Online/Hybrid/In-Person

Thursday, August 12

(onsite advance preparation and setup for sessions)

(Hotel Check In, The Graduate)
(onsite BBQ at Dale and Kathy's)

Friday, August 13

9 - 5 (onsite preparation and setup for the workshop)

(Lunch break, Hamburg #2)

* PIRA Make n Takes

(Late Hotel Check In, The Graduate)

(5 pm onsite Dinner, Teddy's Burger or similar)

* Evening Talk Session "Beer & Demos" (presentations, etc.)

Saturday, August 14

9:30 am * Online Chat Login/Hellos


(Pizza delivered in for on-site lunch)

2 pm - 3 pm * Question time followup to LDW

3 pm * Online-run workshop block: PTRA/ILD etc.

(breather time for on-site presenters, on site participants can log in)

5 pm - 6:30 pm * Advanced Demo Session broadcast

7 pm * Official PIRA Business Meeting (8 PM EDT, 5 PM PDT) online and in person

(On site Dinner some place downtown, beers and farewells)

Sunday, August 15

* Online sessions (tentative)

(volunteers to help Dale on cleanup and PIRA projects)

(Hotel check out)

Monday, August 16

(volunteers to help Dale on PIRA projects)

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